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Dates: 17, 18 and 19 June |Passeig d'en Blai, Olot

Day 17 from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. 

Day 18 from 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 a.m

Day 19 from 11.00 a.m. to 10.30 p.m

The next stop of the Nomad Festival will be in the capital of La Garrotxa. 

A very special edition in the city of Olot on the occasion of the Corpus Christi festivities where we will also see the Olotian carnival: the Giants, the Cap de Lligamosques, the Cavallets and the Cabeçuts.

We will be located in Passeig d'en Blai also known as the Olot Fair, a great space for concerts, food trucks and design. You can not miss it!

For your weekend plan to be perfect; and make 2022 a year full of special events – with all the measures, of course! -.

Come and enjoy the best independent design, lots of emerging music, food trucks and a space for the little ones in the house, the Petit Nomad.




What to do and what to see in Nomad Olot?

We work to highlight the creative talent of emerging and local artists, in different disciplines such as art, music, gastronomy, design and crafts.



During​ the weekend of June 17, 18 and 19 you can enjoy a total of 6 super concerts by emerging singers in the country.


June 17Abba Voices.


June 18Anna Ferrer (Sala Torín), Maria Jacobs (Nomad stage)


June 19 Mireia Vilalta (Nomad stage), Carola Ortiz (Sala Torín), Downlight (Nomad stage)

General programming Nomad Festival Olot 

Here's the full schedule for the upcoming Nomad Festival OlotJune 17, 18 and 19.

Come enjoy the Nomad Festival with family or friends! On the occasion of the Corpus d'Olot festivities and in the heart of the city. 

For the little ones at home, family shows, traveling animations, storytelling, various workshops and the LITTLE NOMAD!!

17.00h Obertura de Nomad

17.00 a 00.00h Market de disseny emergent

18.00 A 21.00h Tallers de manualitats amb materials reciclats | Tres en ratlla i placa fusta amb el teu nom

18.30 A 21.00h

EL GRAN BINGO MUSICAL | Gaudeix cantant les teves cançons preferides mentre jugues. 75 cançons i un cartró amb cançons mítiques de tots els estils i èpoques. Aconseguiràs identificar-les totes?

18.30h Contacontes | Llibreria La Capona

19.00h Adelina i el país de les festes | Espectacle teatral 

22.00h Concert ALL COVERS. Viatge musical amb els èxits dels 70 fins l'actualitat.. rock, pop internacional per fer-vos vibrar!

11.00h Obertura de Nomad

11.00 a 00.00h Market de disseny emergent

11.00 A 14.00h Tallers de manualitats amb materials reciclats | Tres en ratlla i placa fusta amb el teu nom

12.00h Contacontes | Llibreria La Capona

18.30 A 21.00h

EL GRAN BINGO MUSICAL | Gaudeix cantant les teves cançons preferides mentre jugues. 75 cançons i un cartró amb cançons mítiques de tots els estils i èpoques. Aconseguiràs identificar-les totes?

18.00 A 21.00h Tallers de manualitats amb materials reciclats | Tres en ratlla i placa fusta amb el teu nom

18.30h Contacontes | Llibreria La Capona

19.00h La màquina dels contes | Teatre familiar

22.00h Concert Silver Monkeys, banda de pop-rock de versions de grans èxits de sempre

11.00 a.mOpening of Nomad

11.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.mEmerging design market.

11.00 a.mChildren's craft workshops /PIGMENT

12.00am 1.00pm Ball of giants, horses and heads / Pl. major

1:30 p.mConcert VermouthI looked at Vilalta / Nomad.

6:00 p.mChildren's animation withColoraines Band/ Nomad

6.30pm concertCarol Ortiz / Sala Torin / Organized by Olot Cultura.

7:30 p.mconcertDownlight/ Nomad.

17.00h Obertura de Nomad

17.00 a 00.00h Market de disseny emergent

18.00 A 21.00h Tallers de manualitats amb materials reciclats | Tres en ratlla i placa fusta amb el teu nom

18.30 A 21.00h

EL GRAN BINGO MUSICAL | Gaudeix cantant les teves cançons preferides mentre jugues. 75 cançons i un cartró amb cançons mítiques de tots els estils i èpoques. Aconseguiràs identificar-les totes?

18.30h Contacontes | Llibreria La Capona

18.30h Explica'm una selva Espectacle per a tota la familia

21.00h Concert Marco Deíta. Cançons pròpies i versions en flamenc i rumba

Gastronomy for all palates

Gastronomy will once again be an inescapable protagonist, betting on an offer suitable for all audiences and very attentive to new trends.


The menus of the food trucks of Nomad Festival 2022 will bring together specialties and cuisines of the world, dishes for vegans and vegetarians, organic meats and Km0 foods suitable for people with food intolerances. 

Which brands will accompany us to Olot?

We will have local designer brands. Our goal is to give visibility to the talent and creativity of entrepreneurial projects.


Art projects, illustration, handmade jewelry, accessories... Come and have a look around the stands! You are sure to find that detail you were looking for, a special gift or simply take home something unique. 

Do you want to know which brands are coming? here are the first confirmed brands!

Do you know how to get there?

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